Sunday, October 27, 2013

Communication - Words used in A Course in Miracles

 When spirit's original state of direct communication is reached, neither the body nor the miracle serves any purpose. While you believe you are in a body, however, you can choose between loveless and miraculous channels of expression.   T-1.V.1:2,3.
communication must be unlimited in order to have meaning, and deprived of meaning, it will not satisfy you completely.          T-15.IX.2:5.
Existence as well as being rests on communication. Existence, however, is specific in how, what and with whom communication is judged to be worth undertaking. Being is completely without these distinctions. It is a state in which the mind is in communication with everything that is real.   T-4.VII.4:1-4.
A medium of communication loses its usefulness if it is used for anything else. To use a medium of communication as a medium of attack is an obvious confusion in purpose.   To communicate is to join and to attack is to separate. How can you do both simultaneously with the same thing and not suffer?       T-8.VII.11:5,6/12:1,2.
You who speak in dark and devious symbols do not understand the language you have made. It has no meaning, for its purpose is not communication, but rather the disruption of communication.    T-14.VI.6:1,2.
You know not what you say, and so you know not what is said to you. Yet your Interpreter perceives the meaning in your alien language. He will not attempt to communicate the meaningless. But He will separate out all that has meaning, dropping off the rest and offering your true communication to those who would communicate as truly with you. ...The Holy Spirit's function is entirely communication. He therefore must remove whatever interferes with communication in order to restore it.                           T-14.VI.7:1-4/8:1,2.

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