Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Healing - Words used in A Course in Miracles

 Healing is the remembering of Truth.

All healing is essentially the release from fear. To undertake this you cannot be fearful yourself. You do not understand healing because of your own fear. T-2.IV.1:7-9
Healing is release from the fear of waking and the substitution of the decision to wake. The decision to wake is the reflection of the will to love, since all healing involves replacing fear with love. T-8.IX.5:1,2.
Healing must occur in exact proportion to which the valuelessness of sickness is recognized. M-5.1:1.
The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for a purpose for which it would use the body, is the basis of healing. ... Special agents seem to be ministering to him, yet they but give form to his own choice. He chooses them in order to bring tangible form to his desires. And it is this they do, and nothing else. They are not actually needed at all. The patient could merely rise up without their aid and say, "I have no use for this." There is no form of sickness that would not be cured at once. M-5.2:1,8-13. 

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