Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Valuable - Words used in A Course in Miracles

    The world strives for things that rust and rot away, while Spirit knows that the only real value lies in what that can be given away.
God, Who encompasses all being, created beings who have everything individually, but who want to share it to increase their joy. Nothing real can be increased except by sharing.         T-4.VII.5:1,2.
It takes great learning both to realize and to accept the fact that the world has nothing to give    M-13.2:1.
Anything in this world that you believe is good and valuable and worth striving for can hurt you, and will do so. Not because it has the power to hurt, but just because you have denied it is but an illusion, and made it real.     T-26.VI.1:1,2.
[Workbook lesson 133:] “I will not value the valueless.”All things are valuable or valueless, worthy or not of being sought at all, entirely desirable or not worth the slightest effort to obtain            W-133.13:1.
  Now must the teacher of God understand that he did not really know what was valuable and what was valueless. All that he really learned so far was that he did not want the valueless, and that he did want the valuable. ... He must learn to lay all judgment aside, and ask only what he really wants in every circumstance.                       M-4.1.A.7:2,3,8.
Recognize what does not matter, and if your brothers ask you for something "outrageous," do it because it does not matter. ...  No "outrageous" requests can be made of one who recognizes what is valuable and wants to accept nothing else.                      T-12.III.4:1,2,4-8.

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