Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Worth - Words used in A Course in Miracles

Your worth is not established by teaching or learning. Your worth is established by God.  T-4.I.7:1,2.
Your worth is beyond perception because it is beyond doubt. Do not perceive yourself in different lights. Know yourself in the One Light where the miracle that is you is perfectly clear.  T-3.V.10:7-9.
We cannot judge ourselves, nor need we do so. These are but attempts to hold decision off, and to delay commitment to our function. It is not our part to judge our worth, nor can we know what role is best for us; what we can do within a larger plan we cannot see in its entirety. W.154.1:3-5. [Lesson: “I am among the ministers of God.”]
Your divided devotion has given you the two voices, and you must choose at which altar you want to serve. The call you answer now is an evaluation because it is a decision. The decision is very simple. It is made on the basis of which call is worth more to you.               T-5.II.8:9-12.
The habit of engaging with God and His creations is easily made if you actively refuse to let your mind slip away. The problem is not one of concentration; it is the belief that no one, including yourself, is worth consistent effort.   T-4.IV.7:1,2.
Let nothing that relates to body thoughts delay your progress to salvation, nor permit temptation to believe the world holds anything you want to hold you back. Nothing is here to cherish. Nothing here is worth one instant of delay and pain; one moment of uncertainty and doubt. The worthless offer nothing. W.128.4:1-4. [Lesson: “The world that I see holds nothing that I want.”]

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