Saturday, October 26, 2013

Curriculum- Words used in A Course in Miracles

 Once you decided perceive rather than to know, you put yourself in a situation where you had to learn your true role in creation. 
… you are not free to choose the curriculum, or even the form in which you will learn it. You are free, however, to decide when you want to learn it.    M.2.3:6,7.
Do not attempt to teach yourself what you do not understand, and do not try to set up curriculum goals where yours have clearly failed.    T-12.V.6:2.
The curriculum of the Atonement is the opposite of the curriculum you have established for yourself, but so is its outcome. If the outcome of yours has made you unhappy, ...a change in the curriculum is obviously necessary. ... If it is planned by two teachers, each believing in diametrically opposed ideas, it cannot be integrated. … You cannot learn simultaneously from two teachers who are in total disagreement about everything. … Your reality is unaffected by both, but if you listen to both, your mind will be split about what your reality is.    T-8.I.5:1,2,5/6:2,5.

The learning situation in which you placed yourself is impossible, and in this situation you clearly require a special Teacher and a special curriculum. Poor learners are not good choices as teachers, either for themselves or for anyone else. You would hardly turn to them to establish the curriculum by which they can escape from their limitations. If they understood what is beyond them, they would not be handicapped.     T-12.V.5:4-7.
This is a manual for a special curriculum, intended for teachers of a special form of the universal course. There are many thousands of other forms, all with the same outcome. They merely save time.       M.1.4:1-3.

Certain pupils have been assigned to each of God's teachers, and they will begin to look for him as soon as he has answered the Call. They were chosen for him because the form of the universal curriculum that he will teach is best for them in view of their level of understanding.     M.2.1:1,2.

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