Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Substitute - Words used in A Course in Miracles

  In the world of dreams,  the ego is always trying to get the best deal, choosing and exchanging people and things in order to do "better".   
   A Course in Miracles starts with equality, and states that any attempt to change, and thus improve anything, actually makes it worse; denying yourself the opportunity to learn from it what is True.
To substitute is to choose between, renouncing one aspect of the Sonship in favor of the other. For this special purpose, one is judged more valuable and the other is replaced by him. The relationship in which the substitution occurred is thus fragmented, and its purpose split accordingly. To fragment is to exclude, and substitution is the strongest defense the ego has for separation.
  The Holy Spirit never uses substitutes. Where the ego perceives one person as a replacement for another, the Holy Spirit sees them joined and indivisible. He does not judge between them, knowing they are one. Being united, they are one because they are the same. Substitution is clearly a process in which they are perceived as different. One would unite; the other separate.     T-18.I.1:3-6/2:1-6.
If you would attempt to substitute one aspect of love for another, you have placed less value on one and more on the other. You have not only separated them, but you have also judged against both. Yet you had judged against yourself first, or you would never have imagined that you needed your brothers as they were not. Unless you had seen yourself as without love, you could not have judged them so like you in lack.                                       T-15.V.6:3-6. 

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