Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Introduction to Words used in A Course in Miracles

  I use quotes from A Course in Miracles to illuminate ideas that have a different meanings within conventional reality. 
   A Course in Miracles has a steep learning curve, much like learning a new language, but one that has familiar words used with different meanings. The conventional use of these familiar words distort, to the extent of making meaningless, ideas that the Course uses. 
  There are  certain concepts that appeal to the ego's sense of grandiosity such as being co -creators with God, or feed the ego's desire to be recognized and absolved from responsibility of  its actions. Many of these ideas are True, but the ego seeks to modify their meaning so that they include the ego's illusions.
  The blog format using short bare-bone quotes, fits with  the difficulty of reading complex material on a computer, the need to be concise within a fairly small space, and the computer's cultivating of impatience.
  There are inherent limitations to the format but I believe that some will find it useful in easing the learning curve.
  The yellow highlight is my own emphasis. The red font indicates direct quotes.
  When quotes are taken out of context there is always the danger of distortion. 
           There is no inherent logic in the order or importance or complexity of words used except that they all are used differently in A Course in Miracles.

These are linked to the post.
Accept Altar Anger Attack Body Bridge
Brother Christ Communication Conditions of Truth Conflict Curriculum
Death Defenses Divided Effort Ego Enlightenment
Faith Faithlessness Fear Forgiveness Giving God
Good Great Rays Guidance Guilt Harm Harmless
Having Healing Hell Help Holy Spirit Illusions
Insane invest Jesus Joy Judgment Knowledge
Lack Littleness Love Magic Miracle Mirror
Misperception Mistake Need No Order of Difficulty Pain Patience
Perception Plan of Atonement Prayer Problem Projection Protection
Purification Quiet Real World Recognition Revelation Sacrifice
Salvation Seek Self Sickness Sin Solve
Son of God Special Hate Special love Specialness Substitute Teach
Theology Time True Valuable Victim Vigilance
Waste Will Witness World Worship Worth











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